Monthly Archives: April 2013

Political lessons we can all learn…say goodbye to Independence

This week Moan believes the Skints should adopt a more positive attitude in the Independence debate by dropping the word ‘currency’ from our vocabulary.

Moan McVulpine providing 'service' to the Firstminster whenever he wants it.
By Moan McVulpine

ON THE wall of a primary school parliament somewhere in Edinborrow is a large drawing of a politician’s gravestone.

It’s in loving memory of somebody called “Sun King Salmond”.

The teacher told her kids that he buried himself under a hailstorm of assertion, deception, and pantsonfire bluster.

Some of his relatives are still going strong. “Fantasy” and “Delusion” are regular visitors to the parliamentary classroom.

I heard this story at the weekend from another of my ‘special’ friends, Nudge Nudge, the head of a small cheesey blog in a former mini-sterial area.

But I digress.

Mr Johnboy Swindley of Whollyrude primary parliament gave one of the funniest so called currency union rebuttals on Newsnicht I’ve ever heard.

He was addressing Gordon Quisling Brewer on BBC Skintland’s Unionist turncoat flagship programme Newsnicht Skintland.

His audience was made up of the committed, the non-committed and anti-Scots Unionists: people who refuse to be sold a pup unless that pup has a worthwhile tale to wag.

Unfortunately for the NSP, this is a pup that needs put down.

Mr Swindley spoke of how a foreigner dignitary calling himself the Chancer of the Exchequer drew no breath as he put certain Nationalist assertions on currency unions and Sterling zones to the sword. And on St George’s Day too – the dirty English Basturt!

This deadly blow should have come as no surprise to anyone. For too long the NSP has been peddling pish as fact and getting away with it.

Now, us Nationalists have found out that reality bites and bites hard when assertion is placed under forensic scrutiny.

For too long we have believed that to state it is to make it so.

We have been told that we will have a sterling zone; that we will have automtic entry into Europe without the need for any tricky conditions; and that we can shelter under a nuclear first strike military alliance while ditching our chief ally’s er, nuclear weapons.

If you tell a child a kiddy on story long enough, they will believe you.

That is why we must cling to our assertions despite the numerous damaging body blows we’re sustaining in doing so.

Too many Skints, we are glad to say, are like children – eager to drink of our fantasy assertion pish.

No matter how much our assertions are ripped to shreds, no matter how tired or bored our dead Firstminster looks, no matter how much credibility we lose, we wil continue making Barnum statement assertions.

Some people will swallow anything, no matter the evidence to the contrary.


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Filed under Opinion

That Wiz The Week That Wiznae #1

Another half hearted attempt at keeping AhDinnaeKen running due to creeping torpor, slithering ennui, ever present nihilism and out and out boredom at the increasingly cyclic repetitious tedium of the Neverendum debate. New AhDinnaeKen correspondent Roderick Random tries a quick half witted and utterly discredited attempt at summarising the week that wiznae.

"A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood." - William Shenstone.

“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.” – William Shenstone.  So, that’s Salmond’s political philosophy dealt with then.

By Roderick Random

Monday: Sterling Zone No More

Skintland got a heavy handed ticking off from a thoroughly discredited Towel Folding Bullingdon Poshboy Chancer who, despite his lack of credibility on virtually anything (including towel folding), still has the power to say F**k Off to a rUK currency Union with an Independent Skintland.

As the Fantasy Assertion Nationalist boys quite rightly pointed out, saying no to a currency Union would not be a credible option for a rUK driving headlong into catastrophic bankruptcy in the medium to long term. Just makes you wonder why the Nationalists want to be an integral part of such a potentially debilitating and difficult to avoid catastrophe.

It also begs the question: Could the Nationalists make any kind of meaningful demands in currency union negotiations when faced with a dominant foreign and potentially belligerent treasury?

Summed up – A truly terrible start to a terrible week for the Nationalists.

"He that hopes no good fears no ill." - Thomas Fuller. That's right kids! Vote Yes or No for more of the same.

“Scaredey Nat”

Tuesday: Scaremongering outbreak – time to get vaccinated

The Pantsonfire Troika of Messrs Salmond, Swindley and Deputy Miss Leader Sturgeon concede political dominance on the currency issue to Bullingdon Towel Folding Chancer Osborne when all three begin talking about an outbreak of “scaremongering” amongst the Unionists.

In private, Baron Salmond let slip: “It’s Westminster’s and the Treasury’s baw, they get to say who plays in the gemme and whit the rules ur. Arrogant English Basturts, we never get picked furst.”

Summed up: Even if the Nats were right, they’re still wrong. They don’t make the rules on the currency Union issue. Get ower it.

No booze is good booze.

No booze is good booze.

Wednesday: Drunken evidence gets pished on by everybody

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine tries to get its own back on the alcohol trade bodies which bitch slapped its alcohol pricing evidence back in 2008.

Back then, the pro-alcohol lobby had the temerity to talk up their business by blowing holes in the temperance and prohibition wing of the Nationalist Socialist Party’s asserted determination to impose Jakey Apartheid on the rest of Skintland.

The imposition, which the Nationalists hope will ensure a better class of alcoholic Jakey in Skintland ie the well off, is currently being treated like a cheap can of hooch in courts throughout Scotland and Europe.

Summed up: The benefits of a NSP majority dominated Unicameral government comes back to embarrassingly haunt it for the world to see in 3D Tartan-Assertion-Vision.

"Few would venture to deny the advantages of prohibitive temperance in increasing the efficiency of a nation at war with itself." - Joyless Scunner Sturgeon.

“Few would venture to deny the advantages of prohibitive temperance in increasing the efficiency of a nation at war with itself.” – Joyless Scunner Sturgeon.

Thursday: Solemn League and Covenant dismissed by Sturgeon

Deputy Miss Leader Sturgeon poured oil on the waters of the Kirk by poo pooing their call for a separate coronation for the likes of the Queen, Prince Chuck and his Royal progeny.

Originating from an area which still resonates with vivid oral tales and lore from the covenanting ‘Killing Times’, Roderick Random thinks Miss Leader Sturgeon’s offhand flippancy might just rebound by coming back and haunting her ill judged remarks.

The Kirk is all too easily written off due to its continuing decline in congregational numbers, but its spiritual leaders work within distinctive historical time frames with completely different temporal and spiritual perspectives.

The message coming from the pulpit however might just send voters in one direction or the other, depending on the respect paid to their vested wishes.

Summed up: Faith has just as much resonance in the spiritual realm as it does in the political. Deputy Miss Leader Sturgeon would do well to remember that.


Boo! Hiss! Cancel my subscription to Private Eye. Boo!

Boo! Hiss! Cancel my subscription to Private Eye. Boo!

Friday: Have I Got Boos For You

Yet again, our humourless compatriots demonstrate that humour is a scarce resource in thin skin rich, hot air rich, oil rich, whisky rich, assertion rich Skintland.

The BBC’s London-centric Have I Got News For You audience voted that Skintland should “bugger off” and be denied access to the pound. The cheeky racist English basturts! Hope they lose their empire, er etc.

Cue hordes of Presbyterian, Humourless, Temperance, Prohibition and Irony Free independinistas insisting that such ‘condescendingly insulting’ satire will ensure victory in the most historic day in the history of history ever – er, sometime in September next year, we think.

Summed Up: They will rue the day etc etc. We have suffered this for 300 years etc etc. Basturt English etc etc. ZZZzzz etc etc!

Angus Robberson: Chinning the chin merchants for having too many chins.

Angus Robberson: Chinning the chin merchants for having too many chins to chin.

Saturday: Too wee, too poor, too stupit to change the tune!

AhDinnaeKen cannot recall any prominent Unionist, either positive or negative, actually using the too wee, too poor, yadda yadda mantra about Skintland’s chances of going it alone.

Yet, in an interview on AudioBoo, Angus Robberson MP, the SNP’s Furst Strike Chip On Shooder scaremongering attack poodle, insisted on putting words into the mouths of Bullingdon Chancer Osborne and his travelling pet Ginger Rodent, Fanny Alexander.

Robberson said: “They are running around trying to scare people into voting no. And I think it says something about the paucity of the argument in favour of the Union that the only case they seem to be making is that people in Scotland are uniquely poor, stupid and incapable of governing themselves.”

Hmm! Roderick Random doesn’t remember them saying that, quite the opposite in fact, but facts plainly don’t hinder Mr Furst Strike Robberson when he’s in full flow SNP assertion mode.

Summed up: Roderick Random is a keen anti-censorship advocate, but surely it isn’t asking too much of the Nationalists to slap a ban on the too wee, too poor, chip on shooder yadda yadda tedious mantra pish.

"It's so easy for propaganda to work, and dissent to be mocked". - Harold Pinter. Working out which is which is the problem in Skintland

“It’s so easy for propaganda to work, and dissent to be mocked”. – Harold Pinter. Working out which is which is the problem in Skintland

Sunday: The Nationalists Cannae Take It Captain

Even the most ardent Nationalist accepts that it’s been a bruising week for the Independence campaign. The cracks in the broad church are beginning to leak and the Nationalist Socialist Party is getting impatient with Baron Salmond’s lack of radicalism, vision or drive to break beyond the 30% support barrier.

Wars of Attrition are invariably won by the most firmly entrenched side and, in the Neverendum’s instance, that isnae the Salmond led forces of Nationalism and Self-Righteous Ffffrrrreeeeddddoooommmm™ Fighters.

As AhDinnaeKen has said before, Salmond’s bolt is mostly shot. He’s as much an asset as a liability to the Independence cause. They cannae win Independence with him, and they cannae win it without him.

Summed up: The Nationalist Indy dilemma needs mair than di-lithium crystals Captain. Phasers set to stun. Warp speed 10 etc etc.


Filed under CyberNats, Referendum

Pension deficit: SNP cabinet disnae care, they’re sorted

Skintland’s pension pots are already at risk and independence may add to that risk according to reports from the Unionist biased mainstream media. AhDinnaeKen reports.

“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” – Aesop. Weel din Skintland sark, Baron Salmond and his freeloading cabinet appreciates it.

“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” – Aesop. Weel din Skintland sark, Baron Salmond and his freeloading cabinet appreciates it.

By Robin Bastads

DUAL PENSION holder and Firstminster, Baron Salmond, has moved to assure the electorate that his Westminster, Whollyrude and ‘special’ Firstminster pensions will be safe should Skintland gain independence.

Nationalists and Salmond cult of personality believers were worried over reports that Skintland’s growing pension deficit would have to be corrected immediately should the country vote for independence.

And they believed that it might directly affect the Firstminster’s MP pension, MSP pension and ex-Firstminster ‘special’ pension worth more than £100,000 per year.

Pensions are safe
At the local food bank in Banff, one worried disabled pensioner about to be evicted from her under populated flat, Wee Jeannie, said: “I would feel terrible if the Firstminsters triple pensions were to be whammied by this terrible news.

“He does such a good job lying for his country, it would be a shame if he wasn’t properly rewarded for that.

“I’m sure I could find a few bawbees for him if I sold my husband’s medals and my wedding ring.”

But, according to the Firstminster, Wee Jeannie’s wedding ring is safe, though he could not vouch for her hubby’s medals.

He said: “Gordon Brown and David Cameron gave up their ‘special’ Prime Minister pensions to make me look bad.

“Well ah’m fur nane o’ it. I don’t care about looking bad. Checkout my performance at Leveson and Firstminster’s Questions every week.”

According to the Skintsman paper: “accounts disclosed that the most senior SNP politicians have built up pensions worth £493,000 since they came to power six years ago.

“Those pension arrangements do not include those for Alex Salmond, who receives a special pension worth half his salary when he steps down.”

Freeloading, cash-in, taxpayer robbing bastard spokesperson for the SNP, Wee Naebudy, said: “Ye see, it disnae really matter whether we get independence or no, everybody in the Skintish cabinet is sorted.

“So who cares really?”

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Filed under Morality

Scaremongering outbreak: Time to get immunised says Electoral Commission

Will the future of Skintland’s Neverendum vote be affected by the current outbreak of scaremongering presently afflicting Westminster and the Basturt English populations? AhDinnaeKen reports:

"He that hopes no good fears no ill." - Thomas Fuller. That's right kids! Vote Yes or No for more of the same.

“He that hopes no good fears no ill.” – Thomas Fuller. That’s right kids! Vote Yes or No for more of the same. Nothing to fear here other than fear itself.

By Weeraw Dumed

OLDER VOTERS not protected against scaremongering in Skintland are being offered the chance to be ‘vaccinated’.

The Electoral Commission are writing to voters and under age voters after a rising number of cases emanating from England and Westminster.

Problems have been caused by the number of 16 and 17 year old children not immunised after the now discredited concerns over currency unions and Nationalist fantasy assertions.

Skintland’s scaremongering vaccination uptake has been high, but the chief propaganda officer urged the terrified to get immunised immediately or they’ll probably die from laughing at the Nationalists or from fright at the Unionists.

The number of potential scaremongering cases in Skintland has been steadily rising over the past 15 months to a total just short of 4 million.

Across the whole of Alba and Caledonia there were 1,209,2014 cases last week – the highest figure since Tricky Dicky Salmond claimed he had taken legal advice on Europe.

Skintland’s chief propaganda officer, Sir Scary Prospect, said the country had suffered from an unenviable scaremongering outbreak by both the Nationalists and the Unionists and warned against the dangers of not getting jabbed.

He said: “Since the beginning of January 2012, Skintland has been subjected to an unprecedented outbreak of scaremongering.

“Nationalist scaremongers say that not voting Yes will result in horrible evil, baby eating, inhumane Tory Tory rule forever.

“Unionist scaremongers assert that not voting No will result in pain, misery, poverty and a lifetime of having to listen to Firstminster Oil Baron Salmond’s pish.

“Vaccination is the best way to protect childish voters and older voters against serious consequences – it’s too hard to tell how many have died from fright and how many have died laughing.”


Filed under Economy, Newspeak

Swindley: Scaremongering pact must go ahead

Independence debate takes another turn for the worse. Now it isn’t just about uncertainty, Nationalist assertions and scaremongering. It’s all about Scaremongering. AhDinnaeKen reports:

"A disordered currency is one of the greatest political evils." - Daniel Webster.  Evil Tories. Evil Nationalists. They're aw evil scaremongers.

“A disordered currency is one of the greatest political evils.” – Daniel Webster. Evil Tories. Evil Nationalists. They’re aw evil scaremongers.

By Geezalenaya Fiver

THE CASE for an independent Skintland retaining its scaremongering assertions in a scaremongering pact wi’ the basturt scaremongerin’ English is “not assured”, according to treasury scaremongers.

Skintland becoming independent from the UK would “see profound changes in the scaremongering strategy of both states”, it said.

In a future scaremongering speech, Chief Bullingdon Towel Folder, Chancer Osborne will argue there would be an imbalance in the scaremongering relationship between both countries.

The Skintish government said a ‘scaremongering pact’ would be in everyone’s uncertain scaremongering interests.

Voters in Skintland will be given the choice of opting for more arrogant and oppressive imperialistic scaremongering from the basturt English, or wee jobby chip on shooder scaremongering from the sanctimoniously self righteous Nationalists, in September 2014.

Until then, scaremongering is forecast to be the growth industry of the increasingly scaremongering debate and, at present rates, is expected to outgrow renewable Nationalist assertions.

The scaremongering treasury team is expected to argue that even if an independent Skintland did keep its scaremongering quotient, it would lose influence over key scaremongering issues.

Scaremongers Ahoy!
Bullingdon Chancer Osborne said: “Myself and Bullingdon Dave have always said that Skintland can scaremonger alone. The question is, is it better for Skintland.

“All they will really be able to scaremonger about is the English treasury, via the Bank of England, setting interest rates too high in order to mess with the Skintish economy, y’know, just for laughs.”

But Nationalist Deputy Chief Scaremongering Finance Backstabber John Swindley said:

“The Bullingdon Chancer is coming from a profoundly arrogant English basturt point of view that scaremongering belongs only to them.

“Scaremongering is as much in the ownership of the Nationalists as it is in the ownership of the basturt English.

“Have we not pointed out repeatedly that not voting Yes will result in more dictatorial Tory rule forever.

“Whereas with Independence we will be able to be dictated to by Tory Chancers of the Exchequer.

“Now that’s what I call scaremongering!”

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Filed under Economy, Lies, Referendum

SNP prepared to do and say what it takes to do and say what it takes

Labour Tories have accused the Tartan Tories of acting like the Tory Tories. Meanwhile, the Lib-Dem Tories in cahoots with the Tory Tories reinforce the accusation made by the Labour Tories against the Tartan Tories. Confused? Don’t bother reading on.

"A flow of words is a sure sign of duplicity." - Honore de Balzac.  Wonder what Mr Forwar's excuse is then.

“A flow of words is a sure sign of duplicity.” – Honore de Balzac. Wonder what Mr Forwar’s excuse is then.

By Akhugh Zation

DEPUTY LEADER of the Labour Tory party Anas Forwar stands accused of being prepared to do and say anything to highlight that Firstminster Baron Salmond is prepared to do or say anything to achieve independence.

The Unionist biased media, which is prepared to do and say anything to stop Salmond’s preparations for doing or saying anything, also stands accused of being prepared to do or say anything to prevent Salmond from doing and saying anything to achieve independence.

Bullingdon Primeminster Poshboy Cameron waded into the stooshie by being prepared to do and say anything to help reinforce the Unionist media’s preparation to do and say anything regarding Forwar’s preparedness to do and say anything to expose Salmond for being prepared to do and say anything to achieve independence.

Highly prepared and alert anything goes doer and sayer spokesperson for the SNP Wee Naebudy said: “It’s usually me who’s prepared to do and say anything to reinforce and back up Baron Salmond’s preparedness to do and say anything to achieve independence.

“That’s a lot of preparation and that’s a lot of doing and saying: Just Say Yes (please) and do us a favour – we’re currently preparing for a No vote.”

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Filed under Media, Referendum

Baron Salmond: Wrong to say it was wrong to celebrate Iron lady’s death

Firstminster Baron Salmond claimed that all those celebrating the death of his mentor and friend Baroness Thatcher were tasteless pinko commy scum and threatened to amend the Football Fan Kettling Act 2012.

Come 19th September 2014, AhDinnaeKen wonders if some bright spark will come up with a tune - 'Ding dong Salmond's career is dead'.

Come 19th September 2014, AhDinnaeKen wonders if some bright spark will come up with a tune – ‘Ding dong Salmond’s career is dead’.

By Banshee Salmond

FIRSTMINSTER BARON Salmond could barely stifle the tears as he paid his last respects to his ‘mentor and friend’ Margaret Thatcher yesterday.

But his sorrow soon turned to anger when he vented his spleen at the anti-democratic forces of evil celebrating her passing.

And he added that those protesting and celebrating the Iron lady’s death were ‘shaming their nation in the eyes of the world.’

He said: “Margaret Thatcher had a reputation for brutality which some likened to General Pinochet, Pol Pot and Slobodan Milosevic. But when you got to know these dictators, just like Maggie, they were really nice guys.

“I remember when my party couldnae garner a ha’penny never mind a vote in Scotland. Along came Maggie, closed down some pits, an aluminium smelter and a steel works and the next thing you know, the SNP and myself were very popular again.

“What a gal. She will be sorely missed.”

The Firstminster was accompanied by the plasticine parliament’s El Presidente Officer Tricia Spiderwyck.

Maintaining her sense of decorum, awareness and perspective she said:

“Today was first and foremost a family funeral (sic).

“I don’t know what all the fuss is about. The miners who lost their jobs during Maggie’s reign could easily have had a £10 million family funeral an’ aw if they wanted to.

“I liked the music and it was very colourful and the fact that it was Mark and Carol Thatcher’s mummy made it very personal.

“Can I go to the toilet now please?”

Scottish Conservative Leader Truth Davidson said something fawningly Tory which in the interests of balance we will ignore.

One pinko commy working class piece of benefit scum getting ideas above his station in life, Jock McAverage, said: “Maggie had an agenda to divide and rule but it backfired, thousands of Scots were able to unite in misery as they waited in the dole queue to sign on thanks to her policies.”

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Filed under Media, Treachery

Baroness Thatcher’s funeral: Will Baron Salmond shed tears?

It’s the question which is on no one’s lips. Will Firstminster Baron Salmond shed tears over his long term mentor and friend Baroness Thatcher. AhDinnaeKen asks the Baron’s bestest backscratching buddy, Goebbels Murdoch.

"Grief is a species of idleness." - Samuel Johnson

“Grief is a species of idleness.” – Samuel Johnson. Expect most MSPs to be grieving then.

By Wizit Thesun-Whitdidit

BARON SALMOND is expected to shed tears over his political ally and friend, Baroness Thatcher – in terms of the debate – according to Goebbels Murdoch.

The Firstminster knows that it will be harder to play the “Vote independence, don’t get the Tories ever again” card, now that the ‘witch is well and truly deid’.

Firstminster Baron Salmond lamented: “Where there are Tories, may we offer a shaky alternative. Where there is error, may we rely on Freedom Of Information blocking. Where there is doubt, may we make false assertions. And where there is despair, may we exploit it as a dirty Tory trick which only Independence can deliver us from.”

Firstminster Baron Salmond is 89 and is now seriously contemplating his own political lifespan.

Goebbels Murdoch said: “I feel for the Baron. Maggie taught him everything he knows.”

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Filed under Media

SNP are right to dig two graves on day Thatcher is buried

AS the people paying the price of the £10million reminder of the SNP’s treacherous No confidence vote in 1979, shouldn’t the Scots be given the right to express their abhorrence of the freeloading list MSPs currently let loose in the Scottish plasticine parliament.

Moan McVulpine - delivering collateral damage every time she speaks
By Moan McVulpine Digging two graves – one for herself, one for her leader

THE SNP want to silence both Freedom of Information and unrevised history tomorrow for Margaret Thatcher’s funeral.

It seems they don’t want any more ding dongs or #internetnutcases disrupting their rosy notion of ‘civic’ nationalism.

Labour and the electorate were to blame for their cosying up to Thatcher the milk snatcher in 1979.

But, just as in 1979, present day Scots are in command of their own minds when it comes to judging the ‘virtuous’ antics of the SNP.

Eleven fine upstanding “totally honest” SNP centurion turkeys voted for electoral oblivion Xmas when they chose to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Iron lady in the No confidence voting lobby.

The Scots electorate couldnae believe it – anyone with eyes and ears could see and hear what was coming next from that particular brand of Toxic Tory.

Yet the SNP cosied up to her anyway. Do these people have foresight or political nous or any real genuine interest in their country other than power?

Two SNP MPs returned in the consequent 1979 general election was the Scottish electorate’s answer – No! They don’t.

The then SNP leader, Gordon Wilson, was fully expecting to double the SNP tally to around twenty MPs. Now that’s what I call foresight.

And then of course there are the revisionists. Boo hoo, the 40% rule made us do it they wailed. Boo hoo, big bad Labour pulled a fast one on us and didnae play fair they blubbed.

What they conveniently forget is: The weakness of a minority government which conceded the vote for a Scottish Assembly in return for SNP support, was the very same weakness which had to concede to the insertion of the unfair 40% rule in return for the Labour backbenches support.

Despite the best attempts of then Labour MP Denis Canavan to change that, the Labour cabal responsible for the 40% rule stayed resolute and the rule remained.

And that, as someone somewhere once said about something, “is politics, get it up ye.”

So any time you hear certain SNP types bemoaning the legacy of Thatcher and the hurt she inflicted on Scotland while simultaneously ripping us off with the monies garnered from the eighties North Sea Oil bonanza, it’s worth remembering just who the key players were in aiding, abetting and laying the red carpet to power for the Iron Lady – the SCOTTISH NATIONALIST PARTY.

Eleven Scottish SNP MPs voted for her in unison. Not one conscientious abstention.

That is the SNP legacy. That is something they always need to be reminded of at times like these.

And that, maybe part explains why Rupert Murdoch’s bestest backscratching pal, Alex Salmond said, when discussing Margaret Thatcher legacy: “We didn’t mind the economic side so much.”

Still, makes you wonder why some Labour and non-aligned types persist in calling the SNP ‘Tartan Tories’.

Me, ah couldnae possibly comment captain. Beam me up.

Indeed. Don't we all?

Indeed. Don’t we all?



Filed under Moan McVulpine, Opinion

Exclusive: The Dangerous Liaisons of Moan McVulpine exposed

AhDinnaeKen’s regular Daily Ranger columnist Moan McVulpine has been accused of anonymous smearing of opponents while engaging in a torrid and adulterous affair with a married man. What’s more, she also stands accused of using her previous position in The Sunday Whines newspaper to defend him. Ooer missus. Let she who casts the first stone dig two graves. Or something.

Sage advice. And for free too.

Sage advice. And for free too. Better start digging.

By Hardtae Beleevit

MOAN MCVULPINE was yesterday accused of engaging in anyonymous smearing of political opponents while acting in cahoots with her adulterous lover.

The Wee White Whine is believed to have con-cockted the insidious plan in a Universally Cheesey move in 2009 with her new regular screw Mark MacHardon.

According to a source close to MacHardon  all it took was a few white whines (Pinot Grigio) and McVulpine made her seductively smeary move – no parliamentary questions asked.

Using MacHardon’s blog and his anonymous pseudonym Montawho Hardon, McVulpine is alleged to have assisted in libellous smears of political opponents private tiddlywank lives.

MacHardon was outed in late 2009 as the Cheesey smear merchant and had his identity exposed, causing acute embarrassment to the Firstminster.

Despite being cast adrift like a jobby in a swimming pool by boss Mike Bernhard Rust-ell, MacHardon continued to receive a ‘robust’ defence through McVulpine’s individual blog, Don’t Stop Lassie Don’t Stop and her then newspaper The Sunday Whines.

The accusation places McVulpine – plasticine parliamentary sex aide dangerous liaisons officer to the Firstminster – at the heart of the scandal.

Opponents interpret McVulpine’s actions as a sign of internal ‘tension’ in the party between the smeary Rustlers and the smearing Salmondos.

McVulpine described MacHardon as a “highly illiterate, unintelligent and ohh so, so, so convivial man” in her blog Dont Stop Lassie Don’t Stop.

She is also alleged to have egged MacHardon on to try blackmailing Rust-ell into finding him another job after his public exposure.

Moan McVulpine is 59 and wouldn’t know what a speed limit sign was if it slapped her in Tricky Dicky Salmond’s face.

She is expected to be named at a divorce court somewhere near Newton Stewart sometime soon, somehow.

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Filed under Moan McVulpine, Opinion

Which CyberNationalist said: “9/11 was brilliant. I watched it all on TV and I laughed the whole time.”?

YOU KNOW you’ve got ethnic Nationalists like Reverend Stu of Wangs Over Skintland on the run when they/he refer to you as a “lunatic stalker”, a “nutcase” and claims that you ‘threatened’ them/him on their/his website. AhDinnaeKen offers some evidential reasons why the Reverend is so keen to write off AhDinnaeKen.

“Preaching is personal counseling on a group basis.” – Harry Emerson. Whereas hate preaching is money gathering on an individual basis. Weel din Wangers  – ye’ve been selt a pup.

By Longshanker

ANYONE OLD enough to remember 9/11 will have watched the horror of the terrorist outrage tragically played out on television in New York with a variety of human emotions. Many of those emotions will have ranged from outrage, to shock to a deep and mournful sadness.

The editor of AhDinnaeKen is still haunted by the picture of the ‘falling man’ and the truly awful choice faced by that poor and tragic individual.

No one in possession of a nervous system and the frailty of suffering from normal human emotion could possibly have avoided feeling sorrow and sympathy for the relatives and friends and victims of the Twin Towers attack.

There are too many images, stories, tales of courage and tales of sadness for the true horror of 9/11 ever to be fully realised.

And then there’s the reaction of a self confessed misanthropist currently operating under the hatefully false banner of ahem, ‘professional journalism’ – Reverend Stuart Campbell of Wings Over Scotland.

Starting on the 29th April 2009 in a protracted, disgusting, and hateful tirade on an internet forum dedicated to Neo-Geo console games, the editor of Wings Over Scotland, The Reverend Stuart Campbell, had a very different view of 9/11.

In May 2009 Reverend Stuart Campbell wrote: “9/11 was brilliant. I watched it all on TV and I laughed the whole time.”
AhDinnaeKen took a straw poll of friends and work colleagues and asked the following question:

“What would you think of someone who said: “9/11 was brilliant. I watched it all on TV and I laughed the whole time.”?

Reactions varied. Some thought we were kidding and immediately queried who would say such a thing.

Other opinions ranged from immature‘ to ‘no very richt‘ to ‘horrible‘. The consensus focussed on the disbelief that anyone would commit such a vile statement to the written word, nevermind post it on a web forum which is sourced, written and moderated by Americans.

Yet, the Reverend did exactly that. And all because a feature he wrote on a  videogame series called Metal Slug was criticised for inaccuracy by the aforementioned Yanks.

It might not be relevant to his alleged ahem, ‘work’ for the Independence cause, but AhDinnaeKen believes it should be relevant to every Independinista and every SNP bod, menial and not so menial, who freely converse, swap information, retweet and endorse Wings Over Scotland.

This individual, Reverend Stuart Campbell, is on record saying he actively wants people who disagree with him to HATE him. Readers can make up their own mind on the mindset which desires such an outcome.

AhDinnaeKen doesn’t hate the Reverend. AhDinnaeKen is more concerned with the association some members of the SNP are publicly seen to be allowing him by endorsing his hate preaching and misanthropy.

True activists such as the Greens James MacKenzie, Labour’s Duncan Hothersall, the SNP’s Calum Cashley and Independence blogger Kate Higgins all care passionately about Scotland achieving independence – or not, in Dunc’s case.

These individuals are routinely castigated, insulted and subjected to bilious hateful attacks intended to belittle them by the Reverend. And all because they’ve had the temerity to criticise and stand up to him. The Metal Slug Yanks did the same thing – look at the Reverend’s answer to them.

One Wings Over Scotland donater, or Wanger, as this site will refer to them, has openly challenged real professional journalist Euan McColm to provide evidence of Wings’ racism. The Wanger said he’ll reconsider his alleged £200 donation.

Given that misanthropy covers a multitude of sins – misogyny, homophoia, sectarianism and racism being some of them – we’d like to point out that this post doesn’t prove racism, we think it proves something way beyond that.

We invite readers, Wangers and anyone else interested in the growing influence of a bona fide hate preaching sectarian bigot to make up their own mind.

Communications Officer: Just what message is being communicated here?

Communications Officer: Just what message is being communicated here?

AhDinnaeKen posted a joke about Scots having to take the Porridge Test some time ago. Or at least, we thought it was a joke.

AhDinnaeKen posted a joke about Scots having to take the ‘Porridge Test’ some time ago. Or at least, we thought it was a joke.


Filed under Media, Wangs Watch

Baroness Thatcher: Our sadness at her passing

Where there is discord, may we bring antagonism. Where there is error, may we bring lethal correction. Where there is doubt, may we reinforce it. And where there is despair, may we bring hopelessness. AhDinnaeKen indulges in some self centred and sorrowful navel gazing over the corrosive and dead iron lady’s legacy. May she Rust in Pieces

"No legacy is so rich as honesty." - William Shakespeare.

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” – William Shakespeare.

By Longshanker

WHEN I first thought about writing a piece on the death of Lady Thatcher I changed my mind.

Like the majority of normal Scots, English, Welsh and Northern Irish, I hated her with a passion which extended way beyond the normal boundaries of reason. So I didn’t bother. Too much negative energy and too high a degree of revisionism required.

Surprisingly, the one overriding emotion I felt was the unrestrained and untrammeled emotion of sadness.

That’s right SADNESS!

I felt an honest and sincere sense of sadness – part of my identity politics in the 80’s were wrapped up in opposition to just about everything she stood for, both in terms of policy and in terms of presentation – so, in a way, a part of me has died with her passing.

So why the sadness? It’s a blessing to be relieved of such a burden of hatred – hatred being bad for the soul etc.

The answer’s simple really. It’s not so much to do with her political legacy, which is better covered elsewhere, it has more to do with her living legacy – her son, Sir Mark Thatcher.

From around 2005 I began to believe that the natural justice which Sir Mark Thatcher had managed to evade for so long – thanks mostly to his mummy – and truly deserved for the numerous highly questionable arms deals he is alleged to have conducted, had finally caught up with him.

Around that time I began to believe that, like his close friend Simon Mann, he was going to enjoy life from within the confines of an Equatorial Guinean prison cell.

When he fought his desperate case to avoid extradition from South Africa he plea bargained with the South African government and managed to buy himself out of jail.

Despite a second attempt by Equatorial Guinea to extradite him in 2008, to date, Sir Mark Thatcher is still free to enjoy the lifestyle and wealth the connections through his mummy bought him.

And that is the reason for my sincere sadness.

I wanted Baroness Thatcher to live long enough and remain lucid enough to have to visit her son’s rightful place in a prison cell in Equatorial Guinea. Moreover, I wanted Sir Mark to have a cell mate called Bubba who was on intimate unrequited terms with him.

I wanted the Baroness to live long enough and remain lucid long enough to reflect on the natural consequence of her shameful actions and the undeserved privilege she extended to her son.

Alas! It was not to be. Baroness Thatcher is dead and Sir Mark is still free.

The Baroness left this mortal coil far too early – there’s still time for Sir Mark to be sent where he truly belongs.

And that makes me truly sad. The Baroness did not live long enough to see it happen.


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