Monthly Archives: August 2017

Wings Over Scotland set to ‘block’ Wings Over Scotland “for stupid”

AS VIRTUALLY no one from anywhere in Scotland knows, @Wingsscotland’s Twitter account “blocks for stupid”. AhDinnaeKen reveals why Squealer Campbell, aka “Rev Stu” of Wings Over Scotland, is blocking himself: he’s monumentally stupid. AhDinnaeKen investigates:

By Widye Credititstupidity detector and Nationalist bullshit monitor

SQUEALER CAMPBELL, editor of Wings Over Scotland, has revealed he is set to block himself on Twitter.

The self proclaimed “media monitor” and alleged “professional journalist” discovered he is so monumentally stupid that he has no option other than to block himself and join the “blocklist” of other blocked “stupid” morons.

Squealer squealed: “We’re not remotely expert enough when it comes to the labyrinth of human intelligence to determine how significant our stupidity is.

“But we suspect readers will agree that it would seem an awfully stupid gaffe not to block ourself “for stupid” when we’ve been so demonstrably stupid ourselves.”

The “stupid” epiphany came to Squealer after he re-read one of his own “stupid” blogs entitled ‘The magic money rigs’.

Squealer reported that those English Basturts at HMRC had lied to Scotland to the tune of £15bn in unreported oil revenues.

But, unfortunately for Squealer, he had forgotten his own ‘teachings’ when he squealed:

“one of the primary purposes of this website isn’t just to tell people when the Scottish and UK media is lying to them, but to teach readers how to spot that for themselves. And one of the keys to learning that is to ask yourself what a story in the press is leaving out as well as what it’s telling you.”

Alert readers noted that Squealer illustrated his ‘polemic’ with the screenshot below – taken from the original report.

Wings Oil revenue distortion 01

He squealed: “In just two years, then, Scotland’s economy has suddenly produced over £15bn more than the official UK government figures had previously claimed it did. It’s a bit like popping out to your garage to fetch a screwdriver and discovering a Ferrari you didn’t know you had under a dust sheet.”

Not so alert readers failed to notice that Squealer had deliberately left out the following information from the same report:

Wings Oil revenue distortion

So, not only did Squealer deliberately ignore the purpose of the report, he actively left out the information above for his own Nationalist squealing purpose: the same failing he repeatedly flays the MSM for in his ad nauseum rants.

Now, we’re not remotely expert enough when it comes to the labyrinth of Squealer’s media “genius” to determine how significant that failing is (the ignoring of the conclusion not the simple ease with which it has been exposed). But we suspect readers will agree that it seems an awfully important conclusion to ignore without mentioning it, or having anyone else notice.

And, having noticed, it’s incredibly difficult not to conclude that Squealer Campbell must be incredibly stupid to think he could get away with ignoring his own teachings while pulling a fast one over his stupid followers.

But, as an expert German propagandist once said: “stupidity is the deliberate cultivation of ignorance.”

Squealer Campbell has cultivated that in abundance. Expect him to block himself “for stupid” anytime soon.


Filed under Lies, Media, Wangs Watch