Obsessed: Musings on the tawdry Joan McAlpine affair

YESTERDAY it was revealed that Joan McAlpine MSP used some heavy duty threats against a trusting woman whose marriage she had just destroyed. AhDinnaeKen reflects on what this says  about McAlpine’s character and how it reflects on Alex Salmond:

Threats, deception and 'special' favours all form part of the McAlpine modus operandi.

Threats, deception and ‘special’ favours all form part of the McAlpine modus operandi.

By Longershanker

THIS WILL be short.

On the 31st March 2013, Joan McAlpine tweeted a barely veiled threat against the editor of this site.

I was taken aback. A direct ad hominem attack and a threat of prosecution.

From a Firsminsterial aide, no less. Jings!

It almost intimidated me.

And then I thought, naw, f**k ye. Do yer worst!

It’s why I wrote this piece in reply.

Nothing happened. Surprise surprise.

Shortly after, I was contacted by a source close to McAlpine.

This source said “she is obsessed with your blog and who you are, she was always moaning about it.”

Which provided me with some succour. Not that I’d know why McAlpine would be interested in this site – unknowing smile. 🙂

Given the background, it’s worth taking a look at yesterday’s story in the Scottish Daily Mail.

A couple of quotes attracted our* attention:

“She is one of the most inexperienced MSPs there and yet, bizarrely, among the closest to First Minister Alex Salmond.”

Followed later by this:

“And yet, as Alex Salmond begins to consider his place in the history of the country he longs to take out of the UK, it is to his favoured prose writer Miss McAlpine that he has turned to work with him on his autobiography.

“As a result, special time with the First Minister is understood to have been granted to Miss McAlpine with a view to preparing the volume – putting several senior SNP noses out of joint.”

And finally there was this in the Scotish Daily Mail official Comment page in the physical newspaper:

“Miss McAlpine has thus far enjoyed an inexplicably charmed political life. Should Mr Salmond continue to indulge her and retain her at the very heart of his government, the public may have cause to question his judgement in the run up to the pivotal independence referendum.”

The words within that strike a chord are: “closest”, “favoured“, “special time“, “inexplicably charmed” and “indulge“.

It’s possible to add one and one and make three. And you don’t need to read too much between the lines to come to your own conclusion.

Given McAlpine’s reported track record, AhDinnaeKen would just like to consider the welfare of Moira Salmond.

They say history repeats and you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

How happy is Moira about this state of affairs? Answers in green crayon to the Presiding Officer, Whollyrude.


Filed under Morality, Treachery

2 responses to “Obsessed: Musings on the tawdry Joan McAlpine affair

  1. Billy Collins

    A truly horrid woman. She’s everything we can expect to be governing over us if the Yes campaign wins.

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